self-taught: discipline?

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I’ve struggled with discipline for as long as I can remember.

I learned to play the piano, but I never practiced. Now I can hardly play the first few notes of Star Bangled Banner.

When I was diagnosed with Inattentive ADHD (or, ADD), that gave me the tools I needed to get stuff done.

Once I realized my brain dealt with the hormone called dopamine different than most people, I started reading on how to get dopamine the natural way.

(I mean by changing my lifestyle, not using marijuana.)

Making different lifestyle choices has helped for sure; cutting out coffee (which still grieves me even though a cup will make me feel like death warmed over and give me hangover the next day), reducing the amount of white sugar, and trying to eat more fruits, vegetables, probiotics, and whole grains.

Also cutting out gluten (which I did not expect to do anything but it did and it’s still a process of learning and putting it into practice–a story for another time), have all dramatically helped me cope with my brain that can’t stop/won’t stop going 1,000MPH and having 10 plus thoughts at once.

It has also helped with my anxiety. Knowing that dopamine is released from accomplishing stuff is soo helpful. Then I know it’s not about what I do, or even how much I do; it’s literally just doing anything and crossing it off my to-do list.

Oh that sweet sweet dope release of crossing something off my to-do list in my blue-green marbled bullet journal.

I understand addiction now.

… I’m joking. Mostly. I mean, coffee still calls me every single darn day…

Anywho. Back to talking about discipline…

Since I was pregnant with my daughter, I’ve wanted to be more disciplined. I want to be able to provide a comfortable, restful house for my family. And I can’t do that if I’m sitting on my butt on Facebook or Pinterest all day instead of vacuuming up the cheerios off the floor or cleaning the kitchen counters that are covered in crumbs, oil splatters, and sticky fruit goo and who knows what else.

Anyone else have a war on leftover moldy food? Not me…. never. Ever. Not once… Am I being sarcastic enough?

* * *

I decided discipline isn’t something you learn, it’s something you practice. And eventually, it becomes a habit.

So, I’ve taken to habit stacking.

And every time a life event pops up and interrupts my routine, I give myself grace and make efforts to get back to my habits and routine as soon as possible.

In this process, I found that getting back into my routine actually helps me calm down after a disruption. I always waited until I felt better before getting back into habits, but once I realized this hack (which also helps your body release dopamine and other happy chemicals), I’ve been working harder to get back to it.

* * *

This is a process.

And if I expect myself to develop habits in one month or less, I will fail and get upset and give up.

Discipline isn’t a one-and-done. It’s a virtue you develop over the course of your life.

Happy disciplining, friends.

Published by Jessa

'Ollo, my name is Jessa. I am a homemaker for my husband, child, and cat and I'm obsessed with stories. I love to capture people's stories through writing or my camera lens. I drink a lot of tea and I don't watch enough Doctor Who.

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